
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekend Wrap- Up

It seems that my posts are starting to carry a similar theme.

They all have pictures of us at Orange Leaf - the new frozen yogurt shop by our house.

I don't think Christopher minds one bit. We started our weekend Friday evening at Orange Leaf.

Then we got really excited about our new swim class where they teach Christopher how to swim without floaties.

Just a little love between siblings.

After swim class, it ended up being a nice day despite the forecast for rain all weekend.

So Mike and Christopher headed to the driving range and to play a round of mini-golf.

Christopher had a great time and from looks of the scorecard it he may be beating his dad after a few more rounds.

After a bike ride around our neighborhood, I did something I never, ever thought I would do. I picked up something that someone put out for free. This playhouse.

It was too cute. I knew the kids would love it. We have enough room for it. And I knew we would probably never buy one ourselves. So I made Mike get in his car and I took the minivan and we loaded up the house quickly before church. It was a big hit.

Of course we ended the weekend just like we started it - Orange Leaf. This time Dad came along.

Then off to have dinner at Chilis. Yes, it always seems that I go get ice cream before dinner every time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

TV Off Tuesday

Surprise, surprise. Another stop at the frozen yogurt shop. this just may have been my fourth trip in five days.

Totally ridiculous.  Christopher doesn't mind though - or maybe. On our way there he told me don't get me too much ice cream, then I'll stop listening.  Funny kid. In my defense, it was a play date with another family. So it wasn't like I chose to go for the fourth time in five days on my own - they suggested the play date.  It was lots of fun and not to busy so our kids weren't driving anyone else crazy.  Here's to a few more trips to the yogurt shop ...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pieces to a puzzle

One of the things I've enjoyed most about watching our kids grow up is seeing the different aspects of our personalities in them.  Like how Mikayla holds a grudge just like her dad and Christopher forgets the lyrics  makes up his words to songs just like his mom. Or how Mikayla is assertive like her mom and Christopher loves to watch TV like his dad - if only they both liked to watch the same thing.

Or how Christopher's has a sweet tooth like his Mom.

Very excited about the new frozen yogurt shop by our house.

And Mikayla would rather eat a banana than a cookie any day - like her dad.

Very serious business eating ice cream.

Don't you come near me with that spoon of ice cream.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was full of fun activities. We had frozen yogurt, twice, went to the Zoo, Christopher had his first solo playdate (mom didn't attend), we went out to lunch and church. It was busy and fun. I only got a few pictures of the Zoo and Mikayla eating a clementine.

This is not the first time she has eaten one, but she always makes this face.

And goes back for more. It keeps us all laughing.

At the Zoo a lot of the animals were right up against the glass.

Trying to get a sibling shot.

Christopher trying to get his sister to smile.

Waving at one of the many mating peacocks that we saw.

Mikayla and her dad like to enjoy the zoo the same way. They could just sit and watch the animals.

Christopher enjoys it more like me.

We see the animal, then we are off to see the next one.

Here's to hoping we take many more trips to the zoo this summer.

Friday, March 23, 2012

We Have Hugs!

So it's not a surprise that Christopher has been trying to hug Mikayla since birth. We have a lot of moments telling Christopher that it the screaming means sounds like Mikayla wants her space.

Then, I saw it three times - only caught one on camera - Mikayla trapping Christopher in a hug!

She may be independent, but I think she may be a cuddle bug like her brother.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Famous Dad

For the record, I taught him everything he knows about speaking to the press - just saying.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Frigerator

So, out of the blue Christopher tells his Dad that he is like a refrigerator.  I thought they were finally talking about the Bears at school and no more Packer nonsense.
I mean, I totally see the resemblance.  Christopher clarified that he looks like a refrigerator. That he is shaped like one.

 Hmmm ...
Still a little perplexing.  Then we figured it out. He holds a lot food just like a refrigerator.